+43 664 45 34 193

Mo-Fr 7.30 to 18.00
Sa 09.00 to 14.00 / So 09.00-17.00

closed on public holidays

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Our products do not only taste natural, they really are.

The flour sprinkles, the glaze sprays – when Astrid starts the oven early in the morning, the Naschsalon kitchen turns upside down. It’s kneaded with tenacity. The love for cooking can surely be tasted. Our delicious sweets are definitely worth a try.

barrierefreies Lokal

fully accessible

Frühstück rund um die Uhr

breakfast for later risers

kinderfreundliches Ambiente

family friendly



After many years in IT and project development, Astrid had had enough of the constant career pressure. Back then Astrid remembered what she liked best when she was young: baking. So she founded the Naschsalon in 2012 and made it an institution in the 9th district. She received the Alsergrunder Wirtschaftspreis in 2017 for her achievements. Her secret to success? Enjoy every single day.

On the 1st September 2012 the Naschsalon opened its doors for the first time. It started with just three employees, in the meantime the number has multiplied. The small café with its many homemade sweets has developed into an Alsergrund institution. Located right next to Bauernfeldplatz, the Naschsalon has become an indispensable part of the Grätzel.

Handicraft is very important to us. Every snack is a lovingly prepared unique piece. We fold the croissant dough, stir the cream and fill the cakes, but above all, the occasional tasting test is done with great pleasure. According to our credo, only when it fully satisfies us, it is just right for our guests.

After many years in IT and project development, Astrid had had enough of the constant career pressure. Back then Astrid remembered what she liked best when she was young: baking. So she founded the Naschsalon in 2012 and made it an institution in the 9th district. She received the Alsergrunder Wirtschaftspreis in 2017 for her achievements. Her secret to success? Enjoy every single day.

On the 1st September 2012 the Naschsalon opened its doors for the first time. It started with just three employees, in the meantime the number has multiplied. The small café with its many homemade sweets has developed into an Alsergrund institution. Located right next to Bauernfeldplatz, the Naschsalon has become an indispensable part of the Grätzel.

Handicraft is very important to us. Every snack is a lovingly prepared unique piece. We fold the croissant dough, stir the cream and fill the cakes, but above all, the occasional tasting test is done with great pleasure. According to our credo, only when it fully satisfies us, it is just right for our guests.

We appraise the 5 elements theory

A balanced and healthy diet is important to us. Therefore, all our recipes are based on the 5 elements theory. It is not a trend or myth, but a tradition that has been lived for centuries. As part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a balanced diet between the elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water is the focus. This is how we keep our body fit.

“In a time of hectic pace defined by a constant pressure to perform, you shouldn’t pressure yourself even more. Pleasure is important, sweets are not a sin. That’s quality of life.”

Our neighbourhood, our Grätzl

We love the Alsergrund! The district not only enriches Vienna with Austria’s largest hospital, but also with its old “Gründerzeit” houses and the recreational areas on the Donaukanal. The Grätzel around Bauernfeldplatz is particularly close to our hearts. Here we are at home, here neighbours have become friends.

The Lycée Francais is located directly opposite to our salon, and we are always happy to welcome students of all ages. With the Hotel Harmonie we have one of the most beautiful guesthouses in Vienna just around the corner. Shops like Anne Morel and for lemons and love invite you to a shopping tour.

In addition, there are many sights nearby – the impressive Strudelhofstiege, the Palais Liechtenstein and the Sigmund-Freud-Museum. The best way to reach us publicly is by tram D or bus 40A.

illustration graetzl bauernfeldplatz

Das Grätzel

illustration graetzl bauernfeldplatz